Exercices Spirituels – Milan

Deux jours de ressourcement et de discernement, dans le silence et la beauté de la montagne, pour relire sa vie à la lumière du Christ, selon la spiritualité de saint Ignace de Loyola.

Spi&Sport – Week-end en montagne “Verso l’Alto”

8 mai> 10 mai 2020
Momenti di fraternità, di buon umore e condivisione, con attività sportiva in montagna
Momenti di spiritualità e formazione, in un contesto di contatto con la bellezza della natura.

Sur les pas de sainte Vicenta Maria en Espagne

Marcher sur les pas de Sainte Vicenta Maria, en parcourant son histoire et ses lieux de vie – Découvrir un nouveau pays – Échanger avec d’autres jeunes

Exercices spirituels à Rome

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Works in our house of Paris

Works in our house of Paris After more than 2 years of work (delayed by the health crisis), our Paris house has finally reopened its doors at the start of the 2021 school year*, ready to receive in the best conditions a hundred of girls looking for accommodation in the capital! If you are between [...]

Transfer of some sisters – new missions

At the beginning of this new academic year, here are the changes that have taken place in our Province, following the new missions that some of our sisters have received: Our sister Prado has been sent to the Province of Spain, in the community of Ríos Rosas, in Madrid. We thank her from the bottom [...]